
Weather meteorologist
Weather meteorologist

weather meteorologist weather meteorologist

However, all parts of the atmosphere are interlinked, and there are an endless number of ways the forecast would now be different, just due to that small difference in the amount of cloud initially. These are just a few examples of how the forecast could change. With lower temperatures now expected that following day, it may mean the difference between clouds forming, and whether those clouds would grow big enough to produce showers (find out more here). So the temperatures the following day may now be a few degrees lower than was originally forecast. It may also mean that when the sun rises the next morning, the energy from the sun goes into dispersing the fog rather than increasing the temperature that day. If the temperature was now low enough for fog to form, it may be thick enough to cause delays at airports, or tricky driving conditions in places. On some nights, this could mean the difference between fog forming or not (this requires temperatures to drop to a specific value, click here for more detail). The lower temperature that day would then mean that temperatures that night could fall even lower than was expected originally. If there was more cloud than expected in one area during the day time, it would stop the sun from warming the temperatures as much as expected in this location. The meteorologist will use their scientific knowledge of how the atmosphere works in conjunction with experience from previous weather events to tweak the forecast for customers. This is why it is always best to ‘stay up to date’ and check the forecast every day. If it is slightly different to the computer forecast, this can have knock on effects on other parts of the forecast, and to the forecast a few days ahead. Meteorologists look at the forecast produced by the computer model and ensure it is going to plan by comparing it to the observations coming in.

Weather meteorologist